When The Founders of Microsoft and Facebook, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg gave some exemplary words about Jobs, it was a time to listen. At the recent Harvard University class of 2017 Graduation speech Mark Zuckerberg stated that the present generation may have to deal with job replacements by automated technology than human beings unlike the time of the early generations. He said by taking meaningful projects everyone could create a sensible world to live in with a purpose as the early generation had stable jobs throughout their lives.
Mark Zuckerberg advised the class of 2017, by requesting them to keep trying harder in order to achieve success cos success does not come without hard work.
The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates came up with a similar caution too. He said, that he did not want to sound like the movie star from ‘The Graduate’, where the hero was given a advice that jobs will be some day replaced by automation such as ‘robots’. He took his Twitter followers of 34.8 million by stating the fact that ‘artificial intelligence’ would have a massive influence in generations to come. He gave more values to human labour in reaching out and helping the society than the usage of robots which in fact has no empathy or understanding of human feelings.
Both the legends were correct as Robotics are expected take over the workforce In future, and the negative impact in return would be on 25 million jobs done by humans. Americans expect that Robots and computers will replace many work done by humans and the Survey done by Pew Research Centre, Washington proved same.
Careers such as medical practitioners, artists, elder and child care workers, teachers are careers which does not wish to work in Artificial Intelligence. Economists predict that a good education will help in order to avoid their careers being replaced by Robots. Careers in Bio sciences and Bio Technology are increasing and that would be a great bet for the present generation. According to latest reports, The Biotechnology Innovation organization has employed millions of people in the U.S.